oil palm plantation

200,000 Hectares of Oil Palm Plantation in Indonesia to Be Restored Into Forest


On the evening of 6 November 2023, a surprising announcement was made by Bambang Hendroyono, the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Forestry. It revealed that the Indonesian government is committed to restoring 200,000 hectares of oil palm plantation land located within the protected forest area in Kalimantan to its previous forest status. 

This pledge is in line with regulations implemented in 2020 aimed at enhancing the governance of the palm oil industry sector. Indonesia, renowned as the world’s largest palm oil producer and exporter for decades, has faced criticism from environmental activists and community groups for its previous expansion of oil palm plantation for commercial purposes.



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According to the relevant regulations, any company entering the 200,000 hectares of oil palm plantation is obligated to pay fines and submit the documents by the deadline of 2 November 2023.

These plantations encompass a total area of over 3.3 million hectares within protected forest zones, with only half of them identified by the government so far. Bambang suggests that the potential for further restoration efforts exists.

Government Initiatives to Restore Oil Palm Plantation to Forests

In response to this situation, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, has expressed his intent to threaten and pursue legal action against unlicensed or illegal palm oil companies.

To date, the Indonesian government continues to conduct extensive audits to determine the plantations situated within protected forest areas. This diligence is imperative, as these protected forests in Kalimantan play a vital role in preserving the ecosystem and biodiversity of the region.

However, environmental activists remain critical of the government’s efforts, deeming them “belated” in addressing critical issues. Their aspiration is for the Indonesian government to intensify programs aimed at restoring illegal oil palm plantation, with the goal of ensuring the long-term preservation of Kalimantan’s original natural ecosystem.

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Yuriz absolutely loves content writing and exploring the nitty-gritty of various topics. It all started by chance, but writing quickly became an essential part of her life! Plus, she is a huge K-pop fan, jamming out to it all day, every day!

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