komodo island

Komodo National Park Plans to Close Tourism Activities in 2025


Ah, dinosaurs. The animals that were thought to have lived on Earth 250-65 million years ago were supposed to be extinct due to the fall of a comet to Earth.

But today, you can still see one of the species considered the closest to dinosaurs on an island in Indonesia.

Meet Komodo Island. Komodo Island is located in East Nusa Tenggara, adjacent to the border of West Nusa Tenggara in Indonesia.

It is inhabited by Komodo dragons, the largest lizards in the world. With a body length of up to three meters or more, a Komodo dragon can weigh up to 70 kg or more, making it the apex predator in its ecosystem.

The island was included in the list of world heritage recognized by UNESCO in 1991 and is a source of pride for Indonesia.

The island, which has many unique features, has become a popular tourist destination among local and international communities.

Komodo (courtesy of Freepik)

However, those of you who haven’t had the chance to meet the Komodo dragons should pay attention because it is rumored that the park that houses the dragons on this island will be closed in 2025.

The head of Komodo National Park (BTNK), Hendrikus Siga, said that his office plans to close Komodo National Park in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, regularly on certain days.

The plan will be implemented starting in mid-2025.

“It is planned. If the community can accept this plan, we will realize it as an effort to maintain Komodo National Park’s natural resources in a sustainable manner. We will conduct public consultations and scientific studies related to this plan,” Hendrikus said, as Kompas reported.

The reason for closing Komodo National Park

BTNK also revealed the reason why the plan to close Komodo National Park emerged. Hendrikus Rani Siga explained that there are several reasons for closing Komodo National Park for tourism activities.

One reason for the closure is that Komodo National Park needs to recover from tourist activities. However, Hendrikus previously emphasized that the closure decision also depends on the response of the community and the government.

In addition, the closure is considered to encourage tourist spots on mainland Flores Island as the leading destination besides Komodo National Park.

Hendrikus explained that tourist visits have only been centered in the park area.

The Association of the Indonesian Tours and Travel Agencies (ASITA) Manggarai Raya is questioning the rationale for restoring the Komodo National Park area behind the plan to close the favorite destination for tourist activities in 2025. ASITA wants to know what will be restored from the plan to close the park.

According to Chairman of Asita Manggarai Raya, Evodius Gonsomer, the reasons for restoring the park must be clearly explained.

He said the gradual closure plan for the rehabilitation of the park had been discussed before. If the plan materializes, it will impact residents of Komodo National Park.

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A writer fueled by passion, with a deep admiration for Taylor Swift’s artistry. You can find Imelda on the weekend in the joy of being a paw parent or curled up on the couch, engrossed in the latest sci-fi or mystery novel.

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