An American named Ryan John Dill was detained by Bali police on Wednesday, 5th of April, after he reportedly attacked a worker and caused property damage at a cafe in Denpasar, Bali. The 37-year-old U.S. citizen assaulted a female employee with a knife, according to Sr. Comr. Bambang Yugo Pamungkas, chief of Denpasar Police.
Bambang said on Thursday, 6th of April 2023 “We have information that quite a few guests also had minor injuries because of the altercation between Dill and them.”
Around 11 p.m. Wednesday in Denpasar, Dill allegedly stopped at the Diamond Cafe on Jl. Tukad Badung. He was served by an Indonesian woman who worked as a server at the cafe and went by the initial WO.
Approximately 30 minutes later, Dill reportedly pulled a folding knife from his pocket and threatened WO with violence if she didn’t stay with him, slashing the woman’s left foot.
“The victim immediately fled and sought assistance from other employees.
The U.S. citizen, however, ran after the victim and continued with the attack. While pointing a combat knife at other customers in the café, he broke the table,” Bambang added. The incident was reported to the local police nearby. He further explained, “We swiftly captured the culprit, who was very intoxicated when he went on a rampage in the cafe.”
Police seized a folding knife and a combat weapon from Dill. According to the Indonesian Criminal Code, Dill, the U.S. citizen, may spend up to 12 years in jail for assault. He may potentially be charged with illegally possessing a sharp weapon under the 1951 Emergency Law, a felony that carries a maximum 10-year term.
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