PT PMA (Foreign-Owned Company Indonesia)

PT PMA (Foreign-Owned Company Indonesia)


Indonesia’s booming economy and vast population offer exciting opportunities for foreign investors.  However, navigating the legalities of establishing a business can be daunting.  This guide focuses on the PT Penanaman Modal Asing, a popular choice for foreign investors in Indonesia.

Understanding PT PMA: Your Gateway to Indonesian Markets

A PT PMA is a Limited Liability Company with Foreign Investment. It allows foreign entities (individuals or companies) to establish a legal presence in Indonesia and operate directly within the Indonesian market. This structure offers significant control and flexibility for foreign investors.

Benefits of Establishing a PT PMA

  • Establishing a PT PMA opens full access to the market in Indonesia. A PT PMA can operate independently in Indonesia, unlike representative offices with limited functionalities.
  • Shareholders’ liability is limited to their investment in the company.
  • PT PMA can transfer profits earned in Indonesia back to your home country after fulfilling tax obligations.
  • Registering a PT PMA can grant you access to employ both foreign and local staff as needed for your operations.

PT vs. PT PMA: Choosing the Right Structure

While PT PMA offers significant advantages, it’s important to understand the difference from a regular PT (Perseroan Terbatas):

Foreign Ownership

In a PT PMA, foreign entities can hold a majority stake (up to 100% in some sectors). A regular PT restricts foreign ownership to a maximum of 49%.

Minimum Investment

The foreign investment requires a minimum investment amount (currently IDR 10 billion or roughly USD 700,000). There’s no minimum investment for a regular PT.

Process Complexity

Setting up a PT PMA involves a more complex process with additional regulatory approvals.

General Steps to Set Up a PMA in Indonesia

  • Choose a unique company name and reserve it with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (MOLHR).
  • Obtain approval from the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).
  • Draft and notarize a Deed of Establishment outlining the company’s structure and purpose.
  • Submit all documents to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (MOLHR) for official registration.
  • Register for tax purposes with the Indonesian Tax Office.

Other Considerations for PT PMA Registration

  • Depending on your industry, you may need additional licenses or permits to operate legally.
  • You’ll need a physical office address in Indonesia to register your company.
  • Foreign investors and employees may require specific visas and work permits to work in Indonesia.

Ready to Kickstart Your Business in Indonesia?

For expert business setup and tax consulting services in Indonesia, LMI Consultancy is a recommended provider. Their extensive knowledge of the Indonesian market ensures comprehensive guidance and support in establishing your Foreign Owned Company in compliance with local laws and regulations.

LMI Consultancy offers a full range of services for both local and foreign companies, including company registration, tax compliance, work permits, and related corporate services. Partnering with LMI Consultancy ensures your PT PMA establishment is handled efficiently, allowing you to focus on launching your business in Indonesia.

Connect with the professional legal consultants by completing the form below.


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