
Indonesia Culture: Types of Gotong Royong


Indonesia Culture: Types of Gotong Royong — Gotong Royong is one of Indonesia’s traditions that involve a group of community or even more doing volunteer work to improve the neighborhood or other people. It also brings solidarity among the people and additionally, you can get to know new people and a sense of equality as everyone is welcomed to work together regardless of their gender or race. However, do you know there are different types of gotong royong in several places in Indonesia? Here are some goyong royong traditions all over Indonesia.

Rambu Solo in Toraja

Rambu Solo is a traditional funeral ceremony that involves a lot of people in the process. This ceremony is important to Toraja people as the perfection of the ceremony determines the position where the soul of the deceased will be, either the level of the gods (tomembali puang) or a patron deity (deata). The tradition reflects the life of the people in Toraja, who likes to help people and consider everyone a family, respecting their parents, family, and ancestors.

Photo by Herusutimbul via Wikimedia Commons

Morakka’bola in South Sulawesi

Morakka’bola is a tradition from the Bugis Barru community, it’s an act of helping your neighbor move their house, literally. It’s also known as Mappalette, which means asking the neighborhood for help in order to help the other move the house. After the success of moving house, they usually celebrate it by feasting together known as Baca Bacazanji.

Marsialapari in Mandailing

Marsialapari is a tradition by the Mandailing done during the marsuaneme and manyabii, which is planting and harvesting grains. It’s normally done by everyone regardless of their age and gender. Marsialapari reflects on the culture of Mandailing people as two principles, holong (love) and domu (togetherness) are shown during this activity.

Picture by Ezagren via Wikimedia Commons

Sinoman in Java

Sinoman is typically found in the Javanese community as an act of service during some ceremonies like a wedding or other celebrations. Sinoman is referred to the people serving, whether it’ll be the women cooking in the kitchen or the young men who serve the food to guests. Like other gotong royong, the people helping are not paid and work sincerely without asking anything in return.

Nganggung in Bangka

Nganggung is a tradition in which people serve food under a red, colourful food cover and be eaten together with a group of people. This is usually done when there’s a big religious event, funeral, or welcoming an important guest. There are spiritual principles during this gotong royong, as people pray together to bless the food. Additionally, it brings people together as a community to catch up with each other.

Which of these gotong royong traditions do you know? For more information about Indonesia, make sure to check us out! Share this article with your friends or family on your social media if you find it interesting!

Content Writer

An escapist yet realistic, Yohana tends to keep her feet on the ground and head above the clouds. A culture enthusiast with impulsive tendencies when it comes to knowledge and food. She starts her writing journey during high school as a hobby at first, before it grows into passion and love.

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