August 14, 2022 – The West Jakarta municipal government is currently concentrating on coordinating local merchants the Kota Tua (Old Town) area to relocate to Kota Intan (Diamond Town). This includes evaluating and researching which structures in the relocation area may be used as trader stalls.
As one of effort to do Kota Tua revitalization, the government intends to revitalize Kota Intan in the future through the growth of culinary and shopping tourism as well as by the organization of various cultural, musical, and other entertainment events.
Additionally, the government and other relevant organizations undertook a traffic engineering study so that travelers would first pass through the vendor relocation area before arriving at Kota Tua. The government also intends to forbid visitors from parking their cars in Kota Tua.
Imron, the West Jakarta City Government’s assistant for economy and development, claimed that his team was reviving Kota Tua to improve the experience for visitors. Imron asked that all vehicles visiting the tourist attraction be directed to the Kota Intan parking lot.
Additionally, his side has given the Parking Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) instructions to change the parking lot’s initial closing time of 6:00 p.m. Western Indonesian Standard Time (WIB, UTC+7) to 11:00 p.m. WIB.
Since the remodeling had made the area more organized, visitors and roadster bicycle (locally called “sepeda onthel”) rental merchants responded well to the efforts to do the Jakarta Old Town’s revitalization.
Full Support from MSMEs for Kota Tua Revitalization
The MSME and local merchants in Kota Intan also support the revitalization. They were in favor of reorganizing Kota Tua to attract more tourists in the future, because it will increase business activity in the neighborhood, the merchant also supported the proposal to concentrate the parking lot for Kota Tua visitors in Kota Intan.
Undoubtedly, the efforts to rejuvenate Kota Tua should be carried out as effectively as possible in order to improve the tourism destination, increase visitor comfort, give merchants business confidence, and enhance the area’s security.