The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is completing the construction of access to Labuan Bajo – Tanamori in West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, to support the 2023 ASEAN Summit.
PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said in Jakarta that the construction of the 25 km Labuan Bajo-Tanamori access includes The Labuan Bajo-Simpang Nalis-Simpang Kenari-Tanamori Section along with four bridges with a total length of 175 meters.
“The budget for the construction comes from the State Budget worth IDR 481 billion, with the current physical progress reaching 97.26 percent,” said Basuki.
The construction of these roads and bridges has been carried out since January 2022 under the responsibility replied the NTT National Road Implementation Agency (BPJN), Director General of Highways of the PUPR Ministry with implementing contractors PT Wijaya Karya and PT Yodya Karya.
Apart from connectivity, the PUPR Ministry is also building the Anak Munting Reservoir between Labuan Bajo to Tanamori in Warloka Village, Komodo District. The Anak Munting Reservoir has a capacity of 159,481 cubic meters and an inundation area of 4.5 hectares with the primary function of conservation and supporting tourism in the Destination Super Priority Tourism (DPSP) Labuan Bajo in the framework of the ASEAN Summit.
The Ministry of PUPR has also completed the Waterfront Marina Area, which President Jokowi inaugurated in July 2022, and Puncak Waringin, which was inaugurated in October 2021.
The two areas are also the plans to use as a venue for the series ASEAN Summit event in Labuan Bajo. Previously, President Jokowi said Indonesia had successfully held the presidency of the G20 Summit in Bali in November 2022, then Indonesia received the relay ASEAN chairmanship from Cambodia and become ASEAN Chair in 2023.
President Jokowi said that as Chair of ASEAN, Indonesia must develop a sense of belonging optimistic. The momentum of Indonesia’s chairmanship needs to be maximally prepared with efforts to strengthen domestic coordination, including infrastructure support at venues for implementing the ASEAN Summit, which is planned to be held in May 2023.
Also Read: Must Visit 5 Destinations in Labuan Bajo in 2022
East Nusa Tenggara Is Ready For The 2023 ASEAN Summit
The Provincial Government of East Nusa Tenggara said it was ready to host the Summit.
ASEAN 2023, which will be held in May. “We are all ready, and various other preparations are also being prepared; the implementation of the ASEAN Summit went smoothly,” said Deputy Governor of NTT, Josef Nae Soi, in Kupang.
He said that the location for the 2023 ASEAN Summit would not be held in the city of Labuan Bajo but would be held at Golo Mori.
Meanwhile, the Main Director of the Labuan Bajo Flores Authority Executing Agency, Shana Fatina, also assessed that the central government was preparing the area to become the host of the international meeting.
The Head of the NTT Regional Police, Inspector General of Police Johanis Asadoma, also ensured regional security during the ASEAN Summit in May 2023.
He has also directly seen the various preparations there, and for his security said he asked for instructions from the National Police Headquarters because it was related to national security.