During rush hour on Wednesday, 21st February 2024, a distressing incident unfolded at Manggarai Station when a malfunctioning elevator led to passengers falling on platforms 11-12. The incident was captured on video and shared by a TikTok user, @josafatimanuel_, around 6 PM, as commuters were disembarking from work and the platform was bustling with passengers heading to Bogor.
@josafatimanuel_ Kronologi : 21 Februari 2024, Jam 18.00 WIB. 2 Eskalator untuk naik ke peron 11/12 arah BOGOR awalnya bergerak naik. Tiba” eskalator sebelah kiri mengarah TURUN sehingga berlawanan arah dengan penumpang yang awalnya sedang berjalan naik. Banyak penumpang yang teriak sampai ada yg terjatuh (lihat video) Kenapa ya permasalahan eskalator stasiun ini ga slesai”? Sering juga eskalator mati yg bikin penumpang harus jalan kaki. Beban eskalator keberatan? Emang ga diperhitungkan sebelum ngebangun gedung manggarai yg baru ini? Saya pengguna KRL dan kejadian seperti ini tentu sangat membahayakan. Ada resiko terjepit eskalatorloh! Saat hujan juga sering BOCOR sampe harus ditampung pake ember! Padahal bangunan baru, gedung baru. Siapa ya yg bertanggung jawab? Katanya “keselamatan anda adalah prioritas kami” Hadehh bangunan elit, eskalator sulit #manggaraiberbahaya ♬ original sound – Josafat imanuel
According to @josafatimanuel_, the sequence of events began when one of the elevators on platforms 11-12, intended to ascend to the second floor, suddenly reversed direction and started moving downward. This unexpected reversal caused passengers who were briskly walking upwards to be thrust downward in a domino effect. The chaotic scene left several passengers hysterical as they tumbled beneath the malfunctioning elevator.
Amidst the bustling rush hour, such incidents pose significant hazards and jeopardize passenger safety. In his caption, @josafatimanuel_ expressed concern:
“Why hasn’t the recurring elevator issue at Manggarai Station been addressed? Elevators frequently malfunction, leaving passengers to traverse them on foot. Wasn’t the elevator’s capacity considered when constructing the new Manggarai building?
As a commuter using the KRL, incidents like this are undeniably perilous. There’s a risk of passengers getting trapped on malfunctioning elevators! Even during rainfall, leaks are common on the platforms at Manggarai Station, often requiring makeshift solutions like using buckets to collect the water. Despite being a new building, such issues persist.
Who bears responsibility for these recurring incidents? Where is the KAI Commuter Line’s commitment to ‘your safety is our priority’?“
The video has garnered over 2.4 million views and sparked a wave of criticism from KRL users in Jabodetabek. Many are dismayed by what they perceive as KAI’s negligence, fearing it may tarnish the company’s reputation.
On 22nd February 2024, the malfunctioning elevators at Manggarai Station were promptly cordoned off and marked as out of service. This action was taken swiftly by the KAI Commuter Line following the incident that occurred the previous night.